Services Overview
Eye Exams
All specialized visits begin with examining the health and function of the eyes. An eye exam with Dr. Burgher will be the most thorough check of your eyes you've ever had. Dr. Burgher will explain the tests and results as the visit goes along.
Binocular Vision Evaluations
This is a specialty type of exam where Dr. Burgher measures the alignment, focusing skills, motor skills of the eyes, and symptoms for the consideration of treatments, including:
Vision Therapy
Vision Therapy
Dr. Burgher will provide bi-weekly personalized orthoptic training to improve measurable eye skills to reduce symptoms of eye strain, fatigue, double vision, headaches, and more.
Professional consultations related to pediatric and binocular vision diagnosis and management are provided by appointment with other professionals.
Parents who want to learn more about their child's eye conditions may also book a consultation about their child's case specifically.
Services Provided
Comprehensive eye exams (check the health of the eyes and need for glasses)
Exams for patients with special needs​
Contact lens exams
Medical office visits
Strabismus (eye turn) evaluations and follow-up care
Amblyopia (lazy eye) evaluations and follow-up care
Binocular vision evaluations
Vision therapy evaluations
Vision therapy
Consultation services
(professional-to-professional and professional-to-patient)
Medicaid Insurance Proudly Accepted
The only insurance we are accepting at this time is Michigan Medicaid Insurance.